Riverdale Country School
CSC’s services were selected for the structural steel supply and Reveal Series steel deck for the Riverdale Country School Aquatic Center, called Natatorium, located on a campus in the Bronx, New York.
Bronx, NY
Steven Nicholas, Inc.
Riverdale Country School
PBDW Architects
General Contractor:
Shawmut Design & Construction
Steel Erector:
GMC Contracting
This new 15,000 ft.² Aquatic Center will include a state-of-the-art six-corridor competition pool, locker rooms and an area for visitors. The opening is scheduled for September 2017.
A corrosion resistant aesthetic ceiling
Above the pool, six spliced long-span joists will be visible. These 64 ft. long joists were primed prior to delivery to the job site with two coats of epoxy paint, specially designed for a damp, corrosion-resistant environment. The Reveal Series acoustic deck, to be installed above the pool to complete the ceiling finish, has poly-encapsulated batts to minimize the echo. Like the joists, it has been primed at the plant with two coats of the same epoxy paint, for a complete protection of the ceiling.
CSC’s services were also selected for Reveal Series steel deck for the Riverdale Country School (Upper Learning Building) located on the same campus.